Wednesday 21 November 2012

Recycled Sweater Coat

This past Monday was Value Village's 50% off sale, and I had the day off work. Actually I should admit something.. I took the day off work. There were a few things I wanted to make, I knew I'd need quite a few supplies for it, and there was no way I was waiting until after work to go down there. Who knows what I would have missed out on if I waited all day?! Oh no Sir, I got up early and was there within the first hour they were open. I got a few things for a final item in my Secret Santa swap item (which I will show you on or around Dec 8th when we open), and as many good brown sweaters as I could find. I think the total was about 8 or so. This is one expensive project for anyone willing to tackle it.

The end result? This.

It started with a pile of sweaters, then several piles of cut up scraps, and it slowly started to come together.

I actually really enjoyed making this! I learned a lot on how to improve it should I decide to make another one, and you know what? I had so much fun that I'm sure I'll make more.

The hardest thing about making these is I constantly was sewing 'right sides together' by reflex and had to resew pieces the opposite way. I think it would look really beautiful if the seams were hidden though instead of exposed...

Fun facts:
Bottom hem measurement: 174 inches! That's 14.5 feet!!!! That's insane..
One of my serger spools ran dry making this, and I had to trade in one of the black threads for burgundy near the end.
It weighs almost 3 pounds, which doesn't sound like a lot but you notice when you're wearing it!

Thanks to the Mr for putting up with me not once but twice to help me get pictures.


  1. This is so beautiful!

  2. Fantastic!! That's awesome!!

  3. Wonderful Idea! Nice advice: the photos should be better the next time!

  4. That's so cool! Awesome job! This would sell like crazy if you put it on etsy.

  5. Oh wow, and I just saw the sweater you were inspired by and I think yours turned out better.

    1. Oh yeah! I forgot to put on the inspiration sweater. I'll have to add that later, thanks :)

  6. This is so gorgeous - I found you through Craftster, and I hope you don't mind, but I featured this project on my itty bitty blog - linky here:

    Anyway I just wanted to let you know that I think you're amazing and I have subscribed to your blog! Gorgeous stuff!

    1. Awe that's so sweet of you!! Thanks so much for the kind words :)
