Friday 13 April 2012

Making Scratch Cards.

Just a few earrings I made the other day.

It's the Mr's birthday today. We went out for supper yesterday but didn't do much today. I did try using this tutorial to make a scratch birthday card though, and it turned out pretty well. Instructions say to make a mixture of silver paint and dish soap, and the only silver paint I had was fabric paint so instead of scratching off, it was very rubbery and sort of bubbled and peeled off when scratched. I did have a lot of luck doing this though and am contemplating doing this to the back of some of my business cards for sold orders.

(Photo from above link)
In other news, I ended up not getting the table at the craft fair for next month. Slightly frustrated as I'm really trying to find more shows but they're just not frequent here, at least not to my knowledge. I have no idea if there are flea markets in Ottawa (there's one advertised by my house but it's the sketchiest thing ever, advertising things from knives to adult movies), and it's slightly annoying that these things are easier to find out in little old Cape Breton than this huge city that in my mind, should have things going on all the time.

That's all my news for now, I have a lot of things photographed that I have to get around to adding to etsy. I managed to salvage 2 of those puzzle piece necklaces by peeling layers of epoxy apart with an exacto knife. Trust me.. It almost wasn't worth it.

PS: Want to show Threeark some love for his birthday? Take a few minutes to check out his website :).

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