Sunday 4 December 2011

Super Chewy Cinnamon 'Roll' Cookies (Recipe)

All day today I had the urge to make something sweet. And I really wanted cinnamon rolls, but I also really wanted cookies. And I don't have a rolling pin.

So this is what I came up with! Cinnamon 'roll' cookies.

Cinnamon and sugar mixture.
Nummy dough!
Using a standard cookie recipe, I rolled the dough into balls then cut a tiny slit.

Inserted a mixture of brown sugar, cinnamon and becel (no butter in the house for baking, boo!) and smooshed the sides back together. Then I put them in the oven.

They came out oh so tasty, and because the mixture in the middle, they're oh so gooey and chewy. And amazing. Now to try and not eat them all tonight..

On a side not, has anyone seen the thing on pinterest where they say you can grow green onions in a cup of water? Works surprisingly well, and surprisingly fast. They grew about a foot in a week and a half!! And that's while sitting next to a window half the time with frost/snow on the other side. Though I must say this. They were softer than traditional 'fresh' green onions, didn't have as strong of a smell or taste. I'm guessing they'll only grow for so long before there is absolutely no nutrition left to them since they're not getting anything from soil. Still, it was an interesting experiment. (It also became the home for a spider for a little while.. Little guy probably thought he was outside, right by the window and all..)

Look at those beasts! I only added water up to where it turns from white to green, and topped it up once. See those tiny little dead sprouts near the top of the glass? That's how high they were when I put them in there. 

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