Tuesday 20 March 2012

What's new, Why I don't ever want to go to design school, and getting ready for summer.

The weather has been so nice here lately and it's nice to put away the scarves and winter jacket and take out the spring clothes. Everyone instantly has so much more style and originality on the streets. I love it. Along with the weather, the rest of my news from this week is as follows.. I got a new phone, yay! I'm happy I have something that will last throughout the day, and that I can access things like maps and such from. Super handy.

Secondly, the other day we ended up booking our flight tickets home. That's right, I'm going to be back in the Cape for a week in June, and I'm really excited. It's for a wedding so a lot of the time is already taken up but I can't wait to see everyone I can and do everything I can. One thing I would like to do is take a drive around the trail, fingers are crossed that I can make that possible.

Anyone ever visiting Cape Breton really should take a drive around the trail. 
And now I'm sitting on the floor surrounded by fabric. Oh what oh what to make, and where to start...

This is only about a third of the fabric I'm sitting on. Oh my.
Which starts the second part of this post, which started as a comment and kind of spiralled into a ramble. I've been feeling guilty about how little I've sewn lately (with the exception of a hat for someone) and I think that has made me even less inspired than I was previously feeling, which in turn makes me more guilty. It's  terrible. I'm constantly thinking about all the things I said I was going to make and I feel very overwhelmed with unnecessary deadlines that only I am making for myself.

This is why when I really started sewing, and people would ask me if I was going to school for it, I told them I didn't want to. I like making things my way and on my own time. I figured if I had to make something in a certain time and a certain style it would suck the creativity right out of me. I never thought I would later do the same thing to myself. So I need to take a step back and forget everything I said I was going to make for the store. Because as soon as I say that, I feel like I'm on a deadline and everyday that goes on that I don't finish something I feel like I'm letting everyone down. I can't have that feeling on me, so I won't.

So if you're hoping to see some new sewn stuff in the store, I can't tell you when that will happen. Or if you're curious to see what the new things are that I'm going to make, I don't really know. I'm just going to do my thing in my own time and in the end the quality of everything will be better. I'll make things because I love to instead of feeling like I should.

There will be some new things up soon enough though, I've got some necklaces waiting to be put together and lots of ideas, I've just got to get off my own back :P.

Aaaand finally, I'm still working out, almost a month later. I'm proud of myself for sticking with it even though I don't do it everyday. I don't see any differences but I can feel them, with what I do and how my sides and arms feel to the touch. I hope by the time I go home I can see a difference. That's a few months away so I think its a good goal to make. (I make no unrealistic by the week goals).
I did however add more to my routine.

Anyone else getting more active with the weather change? What are you doing??

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