Tuesday 28 February 2012

Get your butt in gear.

Hey guys,
I feel like I've been slacking a bit in my posts and I'm sorry for that. Between work and everything after work, I've felt a little run down and unmotivated. But I have started something new that I'm quite excited about!

Full week found here.
I was never much interested in working out (wanted to be healthier but I couldn't find the effort), but I came across these photos on pinterest and I thought they looked easy and interesting. I've only done them for 3 days so far but I can definitely feel it, and it only takes about 15 minutes out of my day. So, for anyone who wants to get in better shape but who'd much rather do literally anything instead of going for a run, give this a try with me! Hopefully I'll get to a point where these are a warm up to something better.

PS: If you don't know what some of the moves are, youtube has been super helpful to me.

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