Sunday 1 January 2012

50 Crafts of 2012 & The Dino-Winner

Happy New Years everyone! This past year has been amazing, and I'm so excited to see all that the new year brings. Thank you to everyone who has taken interest in my blog and who has been following along with me.

This year I plan to complete a list of 50 crafts, all of which I will share with you, make tutorials for, and/or offer in store. I've got a huge list (far over 50) and I'm sure it'll grow over the year. The point is theres 50 things, 50 specific things that I want to make, that I will make, within the year. (And probably, knowing myself, much more than that).

The first one, and the longest one to complete, will be a memory calendar. Each year I plan on writing down a memory of each day, and then if I can make myself do this for a whole year, to do it all again the following. That will be by far the hardest thing on this list. Wish me luck!

I hope you all join me and follow along, and by all means, join in if you'd like! Share a list of crafty things you want to do this year!

Here's a few items I want to make:

A recycled leather purse. (..Like this one maybe?)

A piece of artwork for the walls.

An attempt at glass etching.

Tank top tubes.

A little black dress.

A makeup stand. Done! Though I can't count it because it was actually finished in December. Though I'd like to make it much prettier than what it is (currently eyeshadows stuck on a baking sheet, hahaha).

A place to organize my jewelry.

Paper quilling.

A fork pendant I actually like.


Do you have anything you want to get done in the new year?


Now, on to the winning free stuff part of this post (I put them together to avoid 2 posts in a day :P). 
Thank you to everyone who participated in my blog's first contest!! I've tallied all the votes and used to select the winning number.

Aaaaand the winner is... Ashley Murray! Congratulations :). I will send you a message to get your mailing information. 

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