Thursday 19 January 2012

Uncrafty Times

I've been sick the past couple days, and took two days off work. Now, you'd think I'd be like 'Hey! Look at how much free time I have to sew!' but it was more like 'Hey! I have all the time in the world to sew, lets watch umpteen movies on the couch with a box of kleenex and a blanket.' Quite the lazy days, but I'm now on the upswing. (Which is better than I can say for my car, Turtle, who decided to kick the bucket this week. The muffler is completely detached :( poor thing..)

I did however get one thing finished, my jewelry holder, but I've yet to hang it as the wall I want to put it on, is concrete, and we've got to figure out a way to hang it there. It does look mighty fine though, if I do say so myself! ;).

Hopefully I'll get a couple pictures of it soon, I feel bad for having not posted in a few but I really haven't had the urge to do anything at all. Just wait till you see it though! I'm super happy with it and glad to have a place to keep my jewelry that isn't a giant pile.

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