Monday 30 January 2012

Valentines Day Crafts

Honestly, I'm not too big on Valentines Day. I find it far too full of consumerism, and the pressure to go out and spend lots of money on your significant other (didn't we just do that last month during the holidays?) and the worst part, to act all romantic for one day because we're -supposed to-. I personally would rather romantic little gestures on a day that I wouldn't expect them, since they would mean more that way.

Regardless, Valentine's exists, complete with delicious candies and fun and adorable crafts for decorating, giving and eating. Here's a few that I've seen that I quite like.

Strawberries and toasted marshmallow cream..

A step up (or 20) from the moreo. Oreos, cookie AND brownies.
Rainbow roses tutorial. Gorgeous!
A '52 reasons' book, where you write 1 thing you love about someone on each of a playing card. There's a million tutorials for this online, but I figured I would link the one where I originally saw the idea, when I made one last year :P.
Don't forget adorable and punny cards (lost source, sorry!)

New sew heart garland.
And lastly..

If you're tempted to pop the question, why not do so in the nerdiest way ever?

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