Tuesday 3 January 2012

Goals For The New Year

I don't normally do the whole 'New Years Resolution' thing, but since I was deciding to make some goals in my life anyway, I thought I'd officially start today.

In real life:
I want to eat healthier. Working in a coffee shop filled with tasty baked goods is definitely tempting, and so I'm going to make an honest effort to not eat as many garbage-y foods (and especially drink less super sugary albeit delicious drinks) while at work. Also, where we're finally getting somewhere in our apartment, getting settled and whatnot, it's going to be easier to put some extra money into groceries at home to buy better things, more veggies and fruits, and healthy snack things instead of pizza pocket snack things (although I'll still buy those too, shh).

To continue trying to be active. It seems like every other week I'm either trying to get myself in shape, or forgetting about wanting to get myself in shape. I've got to be more aware of this goal and not forget to take the 10 minutes a day. And when the weather gets nicer, I want to get myself a bike. I haven't had one in years.

Find more fun things to do in the area. With all the things things to do in Ottawa and area (from free museums on Thursdays, to sketchy bridges covered in graffiti) there's a lot to do here. There's no reason we should be bored, and no reason why we should be in every night when there's a whole world to explore.

Taken in the same place as my last post.

Cook a new recipe every week. My boyfriend and I have decided to try out a new recipe of our choice every week. I'll start, next week, and he'll continue the week after that. It will be fun and easy way to try new things without having to go out and drop some big bucks at a restaurant all the time.

I want to be more active/friendlier in the blogging community. Which means if I go to a blog and I like something, instead of just favoriting it, I'll also make the effort to let the blogger know. I know how much work goes into trying to get a blog off the ground, and how many people may look at a site but don't say anything. It's nice to get some positive feedback every once and a while.

I want to be more active in putting things in my store. It's not hard for me to make things, but to drag out the light box, the equipment, set up the flashes, take (then convert, edit and crop) the pictures and write up a description?? Yuuuuuck. Not fun. But I've got things sitting here that aren't being seen by anyone because no one besides myself knows they exist. Way to disrespect my own art.

So those are my plans in a nut shell, not for new years but for the future in general. Make life better, funner and more interesting on and offline. :)

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