Friday 28 October 2011

Goodbye Nails!

Today I finally got a new job in the city, for which I am thankful, but on the downside, no lip ring, no jewelry, no nail polish, and worst of all, no nails. I've had to cut them all of yesterday.

I'd be lying if I said it didn't greatly upset me. But, onward and upward. I'll bring you all some great DIY fashion inspiration and Halloween goodness later today hopefully.


  1. That's such bull! :( I'm sorry for you.
    I'm curious, what type of job has those requirements? I have a friend who applied to American Eagle and was told that she couldn't paint her nails!

  2. Its at a Tim Hortons (a coffee shop), but I don't quite think it's fair. We can't touch food with bare hands anyway, and I find long nails a million times easier to clean than tiny ones.. But maybe that's just me :)
